The Office of Policy, International Affairs, and Environment (APL) leads FAA's efforts to increase the safety and capacity of the global aerospace system in an environmentally sound manner. We lead strategic policy and planning efforts, coordinate FAA's reauthorization before Congress, and are responsible for national aviation policies and strategies in the environment and energy arenas, including aviation activity forecasts, economic analyses, aircraft noise and emissions research and policy, and environmental policy.
What We Do
We focus on civil aerospace system policies, goals, and priorities; international programs; and, national aviation policy relating to environmental and energy matters, which includes noise and emissions.
- Aviation Forecasts
- Environment and Energy
- National Engagement and Regional Administration
- International Affairs
- Airport & Airway Trust Fund
Federal Aviation AdministrationAPL-1
800 Independence Ave SW, Suite 1005
Washington, DC 20591
Top Tasks
Last updated: Monday, October 02, 2023