Office of Environment and Energy

FAA’s Office of Environment and Energy (AEE) is a team of aviation professionals working together to make air transportation quieter, cleaner and more efficient. The mission of AEE is achieved using an integrated strategy and portfolio of activities and programs.


To understand, manage, and reduce the environmental impacts of global aviation through research, technological innovation, policy, and outreach to benefit the public.


Removing environmental constraints on aviation growth by achieving quiet, clean, and efficient air transportation.

Environmental Protection to Enable Increased Mobility

Noise: Reduce the number of people exposed to significant aircraft noise around U.S. airports. Air: Reduce significant air quality impacts from aviation. Energy: Transition to sustainable aviation fuels. Improve efficiency of air transportation. U.S. Aviation Climate:  Net-Zero GHG Emissions from the U.S. Aviation Sector by 2050

What We Do

We develop, recommend, and coordinate national and international standards, policy and guidance, research and studies, and analytical capabilities on aviation environmental and energy matters.

Contact Us

Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave SW, Suite 900W
Washington, DC 20591

Last updated: Monday, March 18, 2024