Oceanic Work Group (OWG)

The OWG has been in place since the early 1990s as a Pacific user/provider working group, and is chaired by Oakland ARTCC. This working group originally included a small cadre of domestic and international carriers and FAA personnel from Oakland ARTCC.

The OWG dealt with issues in the Pacific related to improving oceanic operations, capacity, and the overall efficiency of service within the Oakland Oceanic Flight Information Region (FIR). The OWG was a driving force behind the evolution of the Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS), the Track Advisory Program, improvements in the evolution of the Dynamic Oceanic Track System (DOTS), and overall improvements in the efficiency of the oceanic ATC system in the Pacific. The OWG also supports the activities of various groups, including the Informal South Pacific Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group (ISPACG) and the Informal Pacific Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group (IPACG).


The OWG serves as a user/provider forum working to improve the safety and efficiency of oceanic air traffic services in the Pacific.


This charter (PDF) was reviewed and adopted at the regular meeting of the OWG held on June 18, 2014 and supersedes the OWG charter dated May 13, 1997.

Membership & meetings

Oakland ARTCC and ATA chair the OWG meetings. OWG membership is open to all users in the Pacific as well as FAA and international ATS providers. The meetings are held quarterly, and the agenda is developed through input from all members. The chair distributes a call for agenda items followed by the distribution of the proposed agenda prior to the meetings.

Procedures - handling of issues

Issues/recommendations are provided to the OWG through any member. Members may bring subject matter experts as required by the issues. The OWG will prioritize issues, and develop recommendations, as necessary. Upon consensus of the group, recommendations for action or review will be forwarded to either the ATS provider or IPACG/ISPACG.

Meeting topics

The following list includes topics discussed during our meetings:

  • Oakland Center Update
  • ADS-B In-Trail Procedure (ITP)
  • ADS-C Climb/Descent Procedure (CDP)
  • Aircraft Equipage Update
  • Flight Planned Mach Speeds
  • Large Scale Military Exercises/Missions Notifications
  • Pacific Island Traffic and Airport Status
  • Anchorage ARTCC Operations Update
  • NavCanada Operations Update
  • NextGen Oceanic Operational Concept Development (NOOCD)
  • Pacific Project
  • ATFM Global Update

Contact Us

For agenda items or to request membership contact Holly King, KZAK Oceanic ATC Operations.

Last updated: Tuesday, January 25, 2022