Program Management Organization

The FAA decided to create the PMO after taking a comprehensive look at whether the agency was positioned strategically for success as we implement some of the most ambitious transformations ever in our national airspace with NextGen. The internal study, known as Foundation for Success, examined how our internal structures and processes could be improved to support NextGen. We determined that better collaboration across lines of business would help us advance our initiatives more seamlessly and effectively. Congress endorsed the creation of the PMO on Sept. 19, 2011.

What We Do

The PMO assembles in one organization the majority of programs that specialize in program management. This allows operational groups to focus on the key daily mission of safely separating air traffic and maintaining our airspace system. And it allows the program organization to focus on managing for better outcomes by developing improvements to our airspace and making sure these solutions are on time, cost effective and within scope.

FAA National Headquarters
800 Independence Ave., SW
Orville Wright Bldg. (FOB10A)
Suite 1000 East
Washington, DC 20591

Phone: (202) 267-8626

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