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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Mission Support

Established in 2010, Mission Support Services fulfills the FAA mission by providing innovative and strategic direction for infrastructure and airspace design, developing policy, promoting international and domestic airspace safety, and ensuring superior execution of policies and procedures.

What We Do

Mission Support Services activities include designing airspace procedures and mapping to facilitate Air Traffic Organization (ATO) projects across the country; processing staffing and budgets; and collecting and evaluating safety data. Additionally, Mission Support Services ensures airspace policies, strategies, procedures, and mapping fit current airspace needs, while leading international airspace coordination.

Mission Support also oversees the operations of the Western, Central, and Eastern Service Centers in the Seattle, Dallas, and Atlanta areas. The service centers provide the link between headquarters technical programs and their integration in the operations environment.


FAA National Headquarters
1028 - 10A
800 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20591
Phone: (202) 267-8261

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