Flight Advisories: Air Defense Identification Zone

Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)

Updated Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Refer to the following caption.
Alaska ADIZ

View Image (PDF, 182 KB)

Legal description in Code of Federal Regulations:
14 CFR Part 99 - Security Control of Air Traffic

In addition to this graphic, which is posted in the Alaska Supplement as the last item in the Procedures section, pilots should be versed on intercept procedures, should they become involved in such an event. Those procedures are listed as the first items in the Emergency Procedures section, immediately following the printed ADIZ graphic. They are provided here as printed in the Sep 23, 2010 edition. However, you should always consult the current edition as this copy will soon become outdated. View The Page Here (PDF, 28 KB)
ADIZ Points
1 50 00N 170 00E  14 59 00N 163 00W
2 53 00N 170 00E  15 54 00N 163 00W
3 60 00N 180 00    16 56 30N 154 00W
4 65 00N 169 00W 17 59 20N 146 00W
5 75 00N 169 00W 18 59 30N 140 00W
6 75 00N 141 00W 19 57 00N 136 00W
7 69 50N 141 00W 20 54 35N 133 00W
8 71 18N 156 44W 21 54 00N 136 00W
9 68 40N 167 10W 22 56 57N 144 00W
10 67 00N 165 00W 23 57 00N 145 00W
11 65 40N 168 15W 24 53 00N 158 00W
12 63 45N 165 30W 25 50 00N 169 00W
13 61 20N 166 40W 26 50 00N 180 00   


Last updated: Friday, April 30, 2021