Public Notices
Emergency Flight Rules and Special Security NOTAMs
The events of September 11, 2001 prompted the FAA to issue several emergency flight rules and special security notices in the form of FDC NOTAMs. The emergency rules for VFR flight and IFR flight within the United States have now been cancelled. Several special security notices instructing pilots to review intercept procedures spelled out in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), prohibitions on “loitering” in the vicinity of sensitive locations, and restrictions on flight near certain sporting events are still in effect, and are published in the Notice To Airmen publication.
On September 1, 2007 the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Washington DC was revised. All pilots planning to visit the Washington, DC area should be completely familiar with the new ADIZ prior to flying in that area. Learn about the new ADIZ.
In August, 2006 a new NOTAM was issued concerning all flights to, from or over-flying the United States. Pilots planning to cross into United States airspace from Canadian airspace must comply with these instructions whether or not they have landed in Canada.
These procedures govern the actions of all pilots flying in the United States. Remember that non-compliance may result in the suspension or revocation of your pilot privileges, and that, in extreme cases, force may be used against violators. Follow the links above to see the full text of the FDC NOTAMs.
Please be aware that security NOTAMs may change at any time. When such changes occur, Kenai FSS may re-institute “Kenai FSS Information (Alpha code)”. We have created a link from our pages to the FAA's Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) Web site for the convenience of our customers. Nevertheless, the safest way of making sure you have all necessary information for your flight is to speak to a Preflight Briefer.
Flight Service Contact Numbers
For the most current information, contact Kenai FSS and speak with a briefer.
- In the Kenai/Soldotna Area: 1-907-283-7211. Toll free: 1-866-864-1737.
- Fairbanks FSS toll-free number: 1-866-248-6526
- Juneau FSS toll-free number: 1-866-297-2236
- For the remainder of the country.
Last updated: Wednesday, May 01, 2024