Juneau Flight Service Station

9230 Cessna Drive
Juneau, AK 99801-9377

Air Traffic Manager:
Rebecca Smith

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Dedicated to the Memory of David Scheytt

On July 6, 1984, local helicopter pilot David Scheytt and his co-pilot, Doug Brown, were notified of an aircraft crash in a pond near the Juneau Airport.  Reacting immediately, the two raced for a helicopter and proceeded to the scene of the accident. Upon their arrival, they found the passenger, Alaska Sate Trooper Nils Monsen, injured and in shock near the submerged wreckage of the aircraft, while the pilot, Trooper Cpl. Warren Grant, was still strapped in the cockpit. Mr. Brown leaped into the water, dove down to free Cpl. Grant, and brought him to the surface. In the meantime, Mr. Scheytt ferried Trooper Monsen to shore into the hands of rescuers, and then returned to the crash site.  The heroic actions of this crew undoubtedly saved at least one life on this date and forever earned the gratitude and respect of the Alaska State Troopers, and the families and friends of the victims.

Less than one year later, Mr. Scheytt tragically lost his life when the helicopter he was flying crashed near the Greens Creek Mine on Admiralty Island.

In honor of his heroic achievement and his selfless actions, the Alaska Peace Officers Association and the Federal Aviation Administration are proud to dedicate this building to the memory of …

Mr. David Scheytt

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