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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Sectional Aeronautical Chart

U.S. Sectional Chart Sectional Aeronautical Charts are the primary navigational reference medium used by the VFR pilot community. The 1:500,000 scale Sectional Aeronautical Chart Series is designed for visual navigation of slow to medium speed aircraft. The topographic information featured consists of the relief and a judicious selection of visual checkpoints used for flight under visual flight rules. The checkpoints include populated places, drainage patterns, roads, railroads, and other distinctive landmarks. The aeronautical information on Sectional Charts includes visual and radio aids to navigation, airports, controlled airspace, restricted areas, obstructions, and related data. These charts are updated every 56 days.

Separate indices show the coverage of VFR Charts (Conterminous U.S. and Alaska).

Product Name and FAA Product ID
Chart Type Nautical miles/inch Nautical miles/cm Scale
Sectional Aeronautical Charts 6.86 2.70 1:500,000

Product Name and FAA Product ID

Product Name Product ID
Albuquerque SALB
Anchorage SANC
Atlanta SATL
Bethel SBET
Billings SBIL
Brownsville SBRO
Cape Lisburne SCAP
Charlotte SCHA
Cheyenne SCHE
Chicago SCHI
Cincinnati SCIN
Cold Bay SCB
Dallas SDAL
Dawson SDAW
Denver SDEN
Detroit SDET
Dutch Harbor SDUT
El Paso SELP
Fairbanks SFAI
Great Falls SGF
Green Bay SGB
Halifax SHAL
Hawaiian IS. SHI
Houston SHOU
Jacksonville SJAC
Juneau SJUN
Kansas City SKC
Product Name Product ID
Ketchikan SKET
Kodiak SKOD
Klamath Falls SKF
Lake Huron SLH
Las Vegas SLV
Los Angeles SLA
McGrath SMCG
Memphis SMEM
Miami SMIA
Montreal SMON
New Orleans SNO
New York SNY
Omaha SOMA
Phoenix SPHX
Point Barrow SPB
Salt Lake City SSLC
San Antonio SSA
San Francisco SSF
Seattle SSEA
Seward SSEW
St. Louis SSTL
Twin Cities STC
Washington SWAS
West Aleutian Isl SWAL
Whitehorse SWHI
Wichita SWIC

* U.S. pacific territories including Guam, Mariana Islands and the Samoan Islands are included on the back side of the Hawaiian Sectional Chart.

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