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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Helicopter Route Charts

Helicopter Route ChartsHelicopter Route Charts are three-color charts that depict current aeronautical information useful to helicopter pilots navigating in areas with high concentrations of helicopter activity. Information depicted includes helicopter routes, four classes of heliports with associated frequency and lighting capabilities, NAVAIDS, and obstructions. In addition, pictorial symbols, roads, and easily-identified geographical features are portrayed. The scale is 1:250,000. These charts are updated every 56 days.

Information for All Helicopter Route Charts
Chart Type Nautical miles/inch Nautical miles/cm Scale
Helicopter Route Charts 1.7 0.68 1:125,000
Helicopter Route Chart
Product Product ID
Baltimore-Washington HELDC
Chicago HELCHI
Dallas-Ft. Worth HELDFW
Detroit HELDET
Houston HELHOU
Los Angeles HELLA
New York HELNY

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