NAS Enterprise Architecture and Systems Engineering

From Research to Reality

The NAS Enterprise Architecture (EA) provides the blueprint to mature the FAA's vision of the future. Systems Engineering is the FAA's mechanism to move from research to reality. The information below provides a technical view of the NAS EA and the underlying contributions of Systems Engineering.

As the FAA’s Mission Need Statement, the EA contains a set of data and models that document the current and target states of the National Air Space. It establishes the transition plans for achieving the target state while supporting compliance with the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996.

Together, the NAS EA and systems engineering technical products support the future NAS as FAA moves towards the Info-Centric NAS vision.

FAA Services Hierarchy

FAA Services Hierarchy. Click to download PDF version.

The FAA Services Hierarchy provides an overview of the core services and their component capabilities provided by the FAA. These services are solution-independent, invariant over time, bound the NAS EA, and inform the strategic evolution of the NAS.

NAS Enterprise Architecture Roadmaps

The EA uses a series of roadmaps to communicate strategic improvements to the NAS over time and the supporting research and capital investment activities that enable them.

  • Infrastructure Roadmaps: The NAS Infrastructure Roadmaps show the progression of system deployments, investments, and key decision points for major NAS acquisitions.
  • Service Roadmaps: The NAS Service Roadmaps depict current NAS operations and the timeline for planned improvements that will deliver benefits to NAS users in pursuit of the NextGen vision and move towards an Info-Centric NAS for select FAA services.
  • Business and Technology Roadmaps: The NAS Business and Technology Roadmaps depict the availability timeframes of internally focused capabilities and changes to operations, processes, and functions.
  • Data and Information Integrated Views: The Data and Information Management Integrated Views depict the evolution of NAS Information, Information Products, and Information Management capabilities by relating select NAS EA information as well as external references across the timeline.

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Last updated: Tuesday, April 9, 2024