The National Aviation Research Plan, or NARP, provides an overview of the FAA's research and development plans over the next five years, highlighting near-, mid- and far term research. The document outlines how the agency will ensure research and development investments are well managed, deliver results, and sufficiently address national aviation priorities. The FAA is required to submit the NARP annually to Congress with the President's Budget.*
The research and goals highlighted in the NARP support strategic visions laid out by the President, Secretary of Transportation, and FAA Administrator. This approach enables the agency to address current and emerging challenges while building a foundation for the future system in an environmentally sound manner.
*Section 44501(c) of Title 49 of the United States Code (49 U.S.C. § 44501(c)) requires the Administrator of the FAA to submit the NARP to Congress annually with the President's Budget. The NARP includes applied R&D as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 and involves activities funded in three budgetary accounts: Research, Engineering and Development (RE&D), Facilities and Equipment (F&E), and the Airport Improvement Program.
2025-2029 NARP
2024-2028 NARP
2023-2027 NARP
2022-2026 NARP
2020-2025 NARP
Annual Reviews
FY 2023 Annual Review
FY 2022 Annual Review
FY 2021 Annual Review
FY 2020 Annual Review
FY 2019 Annual Review
If you have any questions on the NARP or Annual Review, please contact Lisa Smith at or at (609) 485-7238.
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