Research, Engineering, and Development Advisory Committee (REDAC)

The FAA established the Research, Engineering, and Development Advisory Committee (REDAC) in 1989. It provides advice and recommendations to the FAA administrator on the needs, objectives, plans, approaches, content, and accomplishments of the aviation research portfolio. The REDAC also assists in ensuring FAA aviation research is coordinated with similar activities outside the FAA.

Jump to Documents: ⇣ Full Committee | ⇣ Aircraft Safety Subcommittee | ⇣ Airports Subcommittee | ⇣ Environment and Energy Subcommittee | ⇣ Human Factors Subcommittee | ⇣ NAS Operations Subcommittee | ⇣ Library

The REDAC considers aviation research needs in five areas:

  • National Airspace System (NAS) Operations,
  • Airport Technology,
  • Aviation Safety,
  • Human Factors,
  • Environment and Energy.

REDAC members are from aviation, aerospace, and related corporations; universities; associations; consumers; and government agencies. The FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center director serves as the agency's research and development executive. The director and the REDAC chair collaborate to meet objectives in the review of the FAA research and development (R&D) portfolio.

The REDAC meets twice per year. During the summer-fall session, the REDAC offers strategic guidance and advice on how the FAA should invest its R&D portfolio resources for the fiscal year three years out (FY +3). During the following winter-spring session, the REDAC reviews proposals for that same R&D portfolio, which at that time is FY +2, and provides additional recommendations. The FAA tracks the implementation of these recommendations in the REDAC Database.

How the REDAC communicates with the FAA

In adherence with policy guidance, all REDAC subcommittees must report back to the full committee. Their advice and recommendations identify areas for new research; where to increase, decrease, or cancel investment(s); and where leveraging or partnerships are possible.

The REDAC full committee is responsible for direct correspondence to the FAA after review of the proposed advice. The REDAC full committee submits proposed findings and recommendations to the FAA administrator for program implementation considerations for the agency’s R&D Portfolio.

For additional information, if you require an accessible version of one of the documents provided on this page, or if you need access to documents from previous meetings that have not yet been posted, please contact Chinita Roundtree-Coleman at (609) 485-7149 or (609) 569-3729 or

Subcommittee on Aircraft Safety

The Subcommittee on Aircraft Safety evaluates critical aspects of aircraft safety. It provides expert perspectives in support of the agency's R&D portfolio.

Subcommittee on Airports

The Subcommittee on Airports provides advice and recommendations on the FAA’s airport technology R&D program for near-term and mid-term priorities.

Subcommittee on Environment and Energy

The Subcommittee on Environment and Energy maintains a consistent platform for evaluating FAA environment and energy R&D programs.

Subcommittee on Human Factors

The Subcommittee on Human Factors is an essential component in the evaluation of aviation programs. Increased applied human factors research and engineering, ongoing NextGen investment strategies, and improved alignment with industry and other government agencies will advance efforts to integrate human systems.

Subcommittee on NAS Operations

The Subcommittee on NAS Operations assesses the FAA's research and development programs for national airspace operations.

Last updated: Monday, December 16, 2024