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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Daily Digital Obstacle File (DOF)

The Daily Digital Obstacle File describes all known obstacles of interest to aviation users in the United States, with limited coverage of the Pacific, the Caribbean, Canada, and Mexico. The obstacles are assigned unique numerical identifiers, accuracy codes, and are listed in order by state.

To download a file, right-click, then select "Save" / "Save As" / "Save Target As" to save the desired file to your computer. If you download a zipped file, use an unzip utility to extract the files. The DDOF is a .dat file, so you may use Wordpad or most browsers to access it. If you prefer Notepad: Use the Courier font to retain proper column formatting.

The Daily DOF is also available in the comma separated value (CSV) format to make it easier to import into Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

  • DDOF DAT File (Zip): The zip file provides the latest obstacle information in our database.
  • DDOF CSV File (Zip): This Zip file contains the same data contained within the daily DOF but in CSV Format. It includes the addition of the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees.
  • Daily Change File (Zip): The zip file provides all DDOF changes.
  • DDOF READ ME (PDF): This .pdf file provides formatting, datum, and other general information pertaining to the DDOF and the Daily Change File.


Should you discover or encounter an error in any of our products, please check FAA's Alerts/Notices web page to see if the error has been previously discovered or resolved. If the error is not addressed there, please provide comments via the portal's Other category.

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