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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

FAA Guidance

This website contains links to all FAA guidance documents in effect. Guidance documents linking to this website lack the force and effect of law, unless expressly authorized by statute, regulation or incorporated into a contract. The FAA may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on this website, except to establish historical facts. The FAA follows DOT's Administrative Rulemaking, Guidance, and Enforcement Procedures for issuing guidance documents.

The FAA actively maintains its guidance materials on the databases provided below. However, in the event that specific guidance documents are not included on these databases, please refer to additional guidance organized by topic below.

  • Advisory Circulars: The Advisory Circular (AC) system provides a single, uniform, agency-wide system that the FAA uses to deliver advisory material to FAA customers, industry, the aviation community, and the public. ACs cover a broad range of topics within the FAA. The FAA maintains all current and updated ACs in a single database.
  • Orders and Notices: FAA orders and notices are issued by the FAA as guidance material for FAA personnel. While FAA personnel are the primary audience for orders/notices, the aviation industry may use orders/notices as reference and the general public may find particular orders/notices of interest. The FAA maintains all of its current and updated orders and notices on a single database.
  • FAA Federal Register Notices: This link provides direct access to FAA guidance published in the Federal Register. The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.
  • Handbooks & Manuals: The FAA publishes versions of handbooks and manuals for beginners and aviation professionals. Publications are updated periodically to reflect new FAA regulations and technical developments.
  • Airports Guidance: The Office of Airports provides leadership in planning and developing a safe and efficient national airport system. The office has responsibility for all programs related to airport safety and inspections; standards for airport planning, engineering, construction, and operation; financial assistance programs including the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) program; noise and other environmental matters; airport rates and charges; compliance with grant assurances; airport privatization; and many other issues.
  • Regulations and Guidance Library (RGL): RGL contains aircraft certification regulatory, certification, and safety information documents. These guidance documents include (but are not limited to) Policy Statements, Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins, and TSOs.
  • Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS): The Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS) is a web-based repository of Flight Standards policy and guidance documents.
  • Information for Operators (InFOs): An InFO contains valuable information for operators that should help them meet certain administrative, regulatory, or operational requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety. InFOs are maintained on a single database.
  • Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFOs): A SAFO contains important safety information and may include recommended action. SAFO content should be especially valuable to air carriers in meeting their statutory duty to provide service with the highest possible degree of safety in the public interest. SAFOs are maintained on a single database.
  • Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs): NOTAMs exist to help aviators access safety-critical information that identifies where flying is allowed, any issues with departure/arrival airports, and other crucial aviation information. NOTAMs are maintained and regularly updated on a single database.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: The FAA maintains a database of Frequently Asked Questions, some of which provide guidance on a variety of aviation-related topics.
  • FAA TV: The FAA maintains a searchable online repository of many of its agency-produced videos, some of which contain guidance.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information from the FAA: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is proactively taking steps to help address the widespread economic and health effects that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the aviation industry. The FAA continues to evaluate a large number of requests from across all aviation industry sectors to help address COVID-19-related effects.

Air Traffic

The FAA is responsible for providing safe and efficient air navigation services. Air Traffic stakeholders are commercial and private aviation and the military. Air Traffic employees include controllers, technicians, engineers, and support personnel whose daily efforts keep aircraft moving safely through the nation's skies. Additional Air Traffic guidance includes:

Aviation Safety

Aviation Safety includes certification, production approval, and continued airworthiness of aircraft; and certification of pilots, mechanics, and others in safety-related positions. Additional Aviation Safety guidance is listed below.

Commercial Space

Commercial Space Transportation is FAA's only space-related line of business. It manages its licensing and regulatory work as well as a variety of programs and initiatives to ensure the health and facilitate the growth of the U.S. commercial space transportation industry.


This section includes additional guidance related to FAA environmental studies, research, and design.

Office of the Chief Counsel

The Office of the Chief Counsel provides legal services to the FAA Administrator and all agency organizations worldwide. Legal interpretations and opinions are publicly available online, as well as other helpful guidance materials.

Security and Hazardous Materials Safety

The FAA helps ensure aviation safety, supports national security, and promotes an efficient airspace system. This is accomplished through a variety of disciplines including: personnel security, physical and technical security, cyber security, interagency communications, intelligence and investigations, law enforcement support, and hazardous materials safety.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

The FAA has guidance available to operators and stakeholders regarding UAS operations, safety, regulation, and guidance. Additional UAS guidance is listed below.

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