Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI) Schools
Expansion of the Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Program
The current Air Traffic-Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI) Partnership Program is a non-funded partnership between selected colleges and universities and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Program is a valuable source of applicants for air traffic controller positions. Graduates of AT-CTI programs have broad-based aviation degrees that include specific air traffic curricula. Although there is no guarantee of employment, collegiate aviation is considered a critical hiring source to meet the FAA's need for air traffic controllers now and in the future. In addition, students who graduate from AT-CTI Schools are eligible to bypass the first five weeks of initial qualification training at the FAA Academy because of their college education.
Air Traffic — Collegiate Training Initiative (AT-CTI)
AT-CTI schools offer two- and four-year non-engineering aviation degrees that teach basic courses in air traffic control and aviation administration. The AT-CTI program is designed to provide qualified candidates for developmental air traffic control specialist positions.
Graduates of the AT-CTI program are eligible to bypass the Air Traffic Basics Course, which is the first five weeks of qualification training at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City. Academy training consists of option-specific (terminal or en route) initial training. Students must successfully complete all required training at the FAA Academy to continue employment with FAA.
Enhanced AT-CTI
The Enhanced Initiative allows qualified institutions to provide their students with equivalent FAA Academy air traffic control training. To learn more, visit the Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiatives page.
The map below shows the geographic locations of our AT-CTI partner institutions.
AT-CTI School Listing
- View the list of approved AT-CTI Institutions (MS Excel)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Collegiate Training Initiative (UAS-CTI)
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Collegiate Training Initiative (UAS-CTI) is the newest of the CTI programs. Launched on April 30, 2020, the UAS-CTI is a program designed for the FAA to recognize institutions that prepare students for careers in unmanned aircraft systems. The results of this collaborative working relationship will include a continuous dialogue with stakeholders to connect colleges and universities with the general industry, local governments, law enforcement, and regional economic development entities to address labor force needs in this rapidly growing industry. For more detailed information please visit the UAS-CTI webpage.
Career Fields
Take control of your career. The FAA has many opportunities for you to contribute to our safe and efficient skies. Below is a sample of possible career fields: