
Useful Resources

  • Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)
    Founded in 1997, the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) has developed an integrated, data-driven strategy to reduce the commercial aviation fatality risk in the United States and promote new government and industry safety initiatives throughout the world. Learn more about the history of government and industry collaboration to improve aviation safety over the past few decades in the brochure, "Improving Aviation Safety."
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (DOT PHMSA) Website:
    PHMSA is the agency within DOT that is responsible for the rulemaking process and to propose and adopt changes to the regulations. PHMSA's website has a breadth of information for hazardous materials shippers. You can download publications, request a regulatory letter of interpretation, review regulatory letters of interpretation, report an incident, lookup recently published rulemakings, and more on their website.
  • DOT Transportation Safety Institute (TSI)
    TSI is a non-profit within DOT that provides HAZMAT safety training for safety professionals in federal, state and local government agencies and the private industry.
  • FAA Tech Center Reports
    The FAA Tech Center is responsible for the identification, prioritization, planning, and general direction of cabin and fire safety research projects. On their website, you can access dangerous goods-related safety reports, videos, and various Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFOs), which contain important information and may include recommended action.
  • Dangerous Goods Advisory Bulletins
  • United States Postal Service (USPS) Shipping Safety Guide
    The following tutorial will help you learn how to securely package, label and ship HAZMAT for domestic destinations through USPS.

International Resources

  • International Air Transport Association (IATA)
    IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR) is an industry organization's guidance document that provides information for the international transportation of dangerous goods by air. This is not an official regulatory document. The regulations contained within the IATA DGR are not permitted to be less restrictive than the law.
  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
    The broad principles governing the international transport of dangerous goods by air are contained in Annex 18 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. The Technical Instructions amplify the basic provisions of Annex 18 and contain all of the detailed instructions necessary for the safe international transportation of dangerous goods by air.
  • UN Dangerous Goods (UNECE)
    The Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods is the United Nation's group that convenes to ensure international consistency for the harmonization of hazardous materials transportation. You can access all of the UN Working Papers, which are harmonization and regulatory change or amendment proposals. Many of the proposals adopted by the UN are harmonized in the ICAO TI.

Mobile Apps – Guidance

  • DOT Chart 17: PHMSA's DOT Chart 17 provides a full-color display of the markings, labels, and placards specified in the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180). This mobile application allows shippers, carriers, and other stakeholders to quickly access the visual information and HMR citations exactly as they appear in DOT Chart 17.

    The DOT Chart 17 mobile application includes updates from the previous DOT Chart 16 app, including the removal of the ORM-D marking and transitional phase-out dates for other markings, labels, and placards. Updates also consist of editorial changes, for clarity as well as to reflect the most current HMR citations and notes.

    Please note that this application is intended for general guidance only and should not be used to determine compliance with 49 CFR, Parts 100-185.
  • ERG 2024: The 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook provides first responders with a manual intended for use during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods.

Mobile App – Regulations

Mobile App – Tools

Last updated: Wednesday, October 16, 2024