CPWG/28 Virtual Meeting November 17-18, 2020
The twenty-eighth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East Air Traffic Management (ATM) Providers Working Group (CPWG/28) was held virtually on November 17-18, 2020 from 1400-1600 UTC.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG/28 (Zip).
CPWG/27 Meeting October 22-24, 2019
The twenty-seventh Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/27) meeting was held 22-24 October 2019 in Singapore. The meeting was hosted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singaporeand is aimed at furthering multilateral procedures for handling cross polar air traffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China. It is foreseen that the meeting will continue to improve air traffic operational efficiencies for flights operating on the cross-polar and Russian Trans-East routes.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG/27 (Zip)
CPWG ANSP Meeting May 22-24, 2019
The Cross Polar Working Group Air Navigation Service Providers (CPWG-ANSP) Meeting was held May 22-24, 2019 at the ICAO EURNAT Office, Paris, France. This was a meeting for ANSPs only.The full Cross Polar Working Group (CPWG/27) will meet in the Fall of 2019 in the Asia Pacific Region and include ANSPs, IATA and Airline participation. Details and the agenda for CPWG/27 will beposted when available.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
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October 30-November 1, 2018 Vancouver, BC, Canada
The twenty-sixth Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/26) meeting was held on October 30-November 1, 2018in Vancouver, BC Canada. The meeting was hosted by NAV CANADA and is aimed at furthering multilateral procedures for handlingcross polar air traffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan,and China.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
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The twenty-fifth Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/25) meeting was heldon 23-25 May 2018 at the ICAO EURNAT Regional Office in Paris, France. The meeting was hosted bythe International Civil Aviation Organization European and North Atlantic (EURNAT) Office and is aimed atfurthering multilateral procedures for handling cross polar air traffic between the United States,Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and China.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG25 (Zip)
The twenty-fourth Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/24) meeting was held December 12-14, 2017 at the ICAO EURNAT Offices in Paris, France. The meeting was hosted by the ICAO EURNAT Office and is aimed at furthering multilateral procedures for handling cross polar air traffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Denmark, Finland and China. It is foreseen that the meeting will continue to improve air traffic operational efficiencies for flights operating on the cross-polar and Russian Trans-East routes.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG24 (Zip)
The twenty-third Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers� Working Group (CPWG/23) meeting was held 30 May-June 1, 2017 in Arlington, Virginia. The meeting was hosted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is aimed at furthering multilateral procedures for handling cross polar airtraffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Denmark, Finland and China. It is foreseen that themeeting will continue to improve air traffic operational efficiencies for flights operating on the cross-polar and Russian Trans-East routes.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG23 (Zip)
The twenty-second Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/22) meeting was held October 25-27, 2016 at the ICAOEURNAT Offices in Paris, France. The meeting was hosted by ICAO EURNAT Regional Office and is aimed at furthering multilateral proceduresfor handling cross polar air traffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China and Denmark.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG22 (Zip)
The twenty-first Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers� Working Group (CPWG/21) meeting was held 17-20 May 2016 in Montreal, Canada.The meeting was hosted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and aimed at furthering multilateral procedures for handlingcross polar air traffic between the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Iceland, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG21 (Zip)
The twentieth Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/20) meeting was held 26-29 October 2015 in Anchorage, Alaska.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG20 (Zip)
The nineteenth Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group meeting (CPWG/19) was held 11-15 May 2015 in Tokyo, Japan.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG19 (Zip)
The eighteenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group (CPWG/18) was held 16-19 December 2014 at the ICAO European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office in Paris.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG18 (Zip)
The seventeenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group meeting was held 3-6 June 2014 in Samara, Russia.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG17 (Zip)
The sixteenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group meeting was held 3-6 December 2013 in Ottawa, Canada
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG16 (Zip)
The fifteenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group meeting was held 13-17 May 2013 in Bodo, Norway
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG15 (Zip)
The fourteenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group was held on December 10-14, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG14 (Zip)
The thirteenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group was hosted by ISAVIA in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2012.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG13 (Zip)
The twelfth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group was hosted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Beijing, China, 6-9 December 2011. The Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from Russia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Japan, the U.S. and China met on 6 December followed by the full CPWG plenary, 7-9 December, 2011.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG12 (Zip)
The eleventh meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group was hosted by the State ATM Corporation, June 7-10, 2011 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from Russia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Japan and the U.S. met on June 7th followed by the full CPWG plenary, June 8-10, 2011.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG11 (Zip)
The tenth meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers Working Group was held on 2-5 November 2010 in Paris, France. The meeting was hosted by the European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Paris, France. The Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from Russia, Canada, Iceland, Norway and the U.S. met on Tuesday, 2 November 2010. The full CPWG meeting took place at the ICAO Offices on Wednesday,3 November-Friday, 5 November 2010. The Communications North of 80� North Task Force met Friday, 5 November.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG10 (Zip)
The ninth Meeting of the Cross Polar Trans East ATM Providers' Working Group (CPWG/9 was held at the Fairmont, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal on April 28-30, 2010. The Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) met on Tuesday, April 27, 2010.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG9 (Zip)
The eighth meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group was held at the Renaissance Atlanta Hotel Downtown, Atlanta on December 2-4, 2009
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG8 (Zip)
The seventh meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group took place June 2-5 at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Offices in Paris, France.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG7 (Zip)
The sixth meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group took place November 3-5, 2008 at the Novotel Citygate Hong Kong Hotel.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG6 (Zip)
The fifth meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group took place April 1-3, 2008 in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG5 (Zip)
The fourth meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group took place September 18-20, 2007 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG4 (Zip)
The third meeting of the Cross Polar Working Group took place April 24-26, 2007 in Washington, DC.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG3 (Zip)
The second meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group met during the week of September 25-27, 2006, in Montreal, Canada. The Meeting discussed continued improvement in coordination between providers and capacity improvements.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
All papers currently available for CPWG2 (Zip)
The first meeting of the Cross Polar Trans-East ATM Providers' Working Group met during the week of March 13, 2006, in Anchorage, Alaska. Representatives from the U.S., Canadian, and Russian Air Traffic Service organizations participated. Representatives from the various air carriers who utilize the subject routes also attended the meeting's final session. The focus of the meeting was to identify and analyze the Air Traffic Management problems inherent with the subject routes and to attempt development of their possible solutions.
Please find reports and presentations from the meeting below.
Last updated: Tuesday, March 07, 2023