Community Engagement Toolkits
FAA's mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world. As we integrate drones into our National Airspace System (NAS), we are working to educate the drone community, stakeholders, and citizens about the rules to operate safely.
Remote ID Toolkit
This digital toolkit was developed for drone pilots and recreational flyers to provide informational materials about the new Remote Identification (Remote ID) rule.
Hurricane Awareness Digital Toolkit
During a hurricane, airports often close and flights can be affected around the entire country. Immediately before and after a hurricane, emergency response crews may use manned aircraft or operate drones to support their mission. Learn tips, rules, and safety information to prepare with our Hurricane Awareness Digital Toolkit.
Drones and Wildfire Digital Toolkit
Flying a drone near a wildfire is dangerous and can cost lives. When you fly, firefighters can't. Learn the rules with our Drones and Wildfire Digital Toolkit.
No Drone Zone
No Drone Zone is a public outreach campaign to promote safe and responsible use of unmanned aircraft systems.
Follow Buzzy the Drone!
The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) "Buzzy the Drone" will help you learn the do's and don'ts of being a responsible drone operator and flying your new drone safely.
Manufacturer's Toolkit
This digital toolkit materials developed for manufacturer's to provide to consumers and future drone operators.
Recreational Flyers Toolkit
This digital toolkit was developed for recreational and hobbyist flyers to provide informational materials and encourage safe drone operation.
Know Before You Fly
Know Before You Fly is an education campaign founded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) and the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It educates prospective users about the safe and responsible operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones.
New drone flyers want to fly, and fly safely, but many don't realize that just because you can buy a drone doesn't mean you can fly it anywhere or for any purpose. Know Before You Fly provides these new drone flyers with the information and guidance to help them fly safely and responsibly.