Policy Document Library
Presidential Guidance and Laws
- Presidential Memorandum: Promoting Economic Competitiveness While Safeguarding Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in Domestic Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Public Law 112-95, Title III, Subtitle B – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (PDF) (FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012)
- Public Law 114-90, Title II, Subtitle B – UAS Safety (FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016) (PDF)
Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
- Part 1, Definitions, Civil Aircraft, section 1.1
- Part 21, Certification Procedures for Products and Parts
- Part 21, Subpart H, Airworthiness Certificates, Experimental Certificates, sections 21.191 and 21.193
The FAA has extended the national authorization for Community Based Safety Organizations approved to manage fixed sites under the Exception for Limited Recreational Operations of Unmanned Aircraft. The extension is valid from January 1, 2022 through December 2022. Recreational flyers may continue to fly at these sites without applying for an airspace authorization as long as they fly at or below the maximum allowable altitude for the site and comply with all aspects of the rule.
The full list of approved fixed sites is routinely updated. The sites are also shown as blue dots on the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Facility Maps. More information on how and where you can fly your drone is available here.
- Clarification of the Applicability of Aircraft Registration Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Request for Registration Regarding Electronic Registration for UAS
Advisory Circulars
- AC 107-2A – Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Part 107)
- AC 00-1.1B, Public Aircraft Operations
- AC 91-57C – Exception for Limited Recreational Operations of Unmanned Aircraft
- AC 21-12, Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate, FAA Form 8130-6
- AC 45-2E, Identification and Registration Marking
- FAA Order JO 7200.23, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- Notice 8900.291, Inspection and Maintenance Program Requirements for Airworthiness Certification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operating Under 55 Pounds
- Notice 8900.292, Aviation-Related Videos or Other Electronic Media on the Internet
- UAS Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) for Sporting Events (PDF)
- 2007 Federal Register Notice, Unmanned Aircraft operations in the National Airspace System (PDF)
- Notice 8900.313 Education, Compliance, and Enforcement of Unauthorized Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators
- UAS Certification Status, November 15, 2006, includes FAA focal points for UAS certification project coordination (PDF)
- UAS Certification Status, Optionally Piloted Aircraft and Accidents Involving UAS, August 18, 2008, Revision to AVS Policy (PDF)
- Order 1110.150, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC)
- Order 2150.3B, Change 6 (Compliance and Enforcement Bulletin)
- Order 8000.372A, UAS Designated Airworthiness Representatives (DAR) for UAS Certification at UAS Test Sites
- Order 8040.6A - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Safety Risk Management Policy
- Order 8130.2, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Products
- Order 8130.34C, Airworthiness Certification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
FAA Legal Interpretations on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Updated Information on UAS-Detection and Countermeasures Technology (Counter-UAS) at Airports, May 2019 (PDF)
- Section 352 Responses to the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Act
- Voluntary Best Practices for UAS Privacy, Transparency, and Accountability
- State and Local Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) (PDF)
- Law Enforcement Guidance for Suspected Unauthorized UAS Operations (PDF)
- Letter to COA Holders – Statutory Requirement to Register UAS (November 5, 2014) (PDF)
- Public Guidance for Petitions for Exemption Filed under Section
333 (PDF)
- Third Edition – Integration of Civil UAS in the NAS (PDF)
- Public Safety Engagement Plan (PDF)
- Second Edition – Integration of Civil UAS in the NAS Roadmap (PDF)
- Integration of Civil UAS in the NAS Roadmap (PDF)
- UAS Comprehensive Plan and Program Alignment (PDF)
- Micro UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee Report (PDF)
Part 107 Knowledge Test Suggested Study Materials
- Airmen Certification Standards (PDF)
- Knowledge Test Study Guide (PDF)
- Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
- Practice exams are available on the PSI Services Knowledge Testing Centers