Central Regional Airports Division
On this Page …
- Advisory Circulars
- Airport Information
- Compliance
- Construction
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
- Engineering
- Environmental
- Forms
- News and Information
- Part 139: Airport Certification
- Planning
- Publications/Manuals/Reports
- Regulatory/Policy
- Wildlife
Advisory Circulars
- Airports 150 Series Advisory Circulars (ACs) - Searchable Database of Airports Related ACs
- Draft Airports 150 Series ACs - Includes letter to industry
- New and Revised 150 Series ACs
- Advisory Circulars - All Series - Searchable repository of all FAA Advisory Circulars
Airport Information
- 5010 Master Record
- Airport Data and Information Portal (ADIP) - Searchable database of individual airport information and FAA Form 5010-1, Airport Master Record
- Airport Diagrams
- Digital - Chart Supplement (d-CS)
- Aeronautical Information Services, Aeronautical Data - Comprehensive Aeronautical Information Databases
- Terminal Procedures Publication (d-TPP) - U.S. Terminal Procedure Charts
- Airport Financial Reporting Program
- Compliance Activity Tracking System (CATS) - Financial Reporting System for Commercial Service Airports
- Airshow and Other Event Coordination
- Compliance Manual - FAA Order 5190.6 - Policies for the FAA Airport Compliance Program
- Exclusive Rights at Federally Obligated Airports - AC 150/5190-6
- Grant Assurances
- Land Transactions
- Mineral Rights Revenue Exemption Toolkit
- Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities - AC 150/5190-7
- Pavement Maintenance - Regional Guidance
- Record Keeping - Grantee Obligations
- Release of Airport Property
- Residential Through the Fence (RTTF)
- Advisory Circulars (ACs) - Standards for Design and Construction
- AC 150/5320-5 - Surface Drainage Design
- AC 150/5320-6 - Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation
- AC 150/5340-1 - Standards for Airport Marking
- AC 150/5340-18 - Standards for Airport Sign Systems
- AC 150/5340-30 - Design and Installation Details for Airport Visual Aids
- AC 150/5370-2 - Operational Safety on Airports During Construction
- AC 150/5370-10 - Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports
- AC 150/5370-12 - Quality Control of Construction for Airport Grant Projects
- Construction Observation Plan (COP)
- Summary Listing of Tests within AC 150/5370-10 (PDF) - September 2013
- Summary Listing of Submittals within AC 150/5370-10 (PDF) - May 2012
- Department of Labor
- Davis Bacon Wage Determinations - Department of Labor Wage & Hour Division
- Posted Notices
- Davis Bacon Wage Poster (WH 1321) - DOL "Notice to All Employees" Poster (April 2009)
- EEO Poster - DOL Equal Employment Opportunity Poster ( November 2009)
- Goals for Minority Participation - 41 CFR Part 60 (PDF) - Goals for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska [45 FR 65977, Oct. 3, 1980]
- Forms
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
- Policy
- 49 CFR Part 23 (PDF) - Participation by DBE in Airport Concessions
- 49 CFR Part 26 (XML) - Participation by DBEs in DOT Financial Assistance Programs
- DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
- DBE Program - Information on US DOT DBE Program
- DOT Guidance for DBE administrators
- Tips for Goal-Setting in the DBE Program
- FAA Office of Civil Rights - Airport DBE Program
- Sample ACDBE Program (MS Word) - September 2018
- Sample DBE Program (MS Word) - October 2020
- Contact Information - FAA DBE Program Compliance Team
- Reporting DBE Participation
- State Transportation DBE Websites
- Suggested Forms
- DBE Utilization Form - Proposal Form addressing Prime Contractor's DBE Commitment
- DBE Letter of Intent - Proposal Form addressing DBE firm information and affirmation
- Advisory Circulars
- AC 150/5300-9 - Pre-design, Pre-bid and Preconstruction Conferences
- AC 150/5300-13 - Airport Design
- AC 150/5320-5 - Surface Drainage Design
- AC 150/5320-6 - Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation
- AC 150/5340-1 - Standards for Airport Markings
- AC 150/5340-18 - Standards for Airport Sign Systems
- AC 150/5340-30 - Design and Installation Details for Airport Visual Aids
- AC 150/5370-2 - Operational Safety on Airports During Construction
- AC 150/5370-10 - Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports
- Aircraft Characteristics Database
- Airport Design Software Applications
- Airport Engineering, Design, and Construction Standards - Cross Reference of Design Standards
- Airport Data and Information Portal (ADIP) - System for collecting airport and aeronautical data
- Airfield Asphalt Pavement Technology Program (AAPTP)
- Central Region Modifications to AC 150/5370-10 (MS Word) - 8/11/21
- Engineering Briefs
- Innovative Pavement Research Foundation (IPRF)
- Airfield Marking Handbook (PDF) - Report IPRF-01-G-002-05-1
- Constructing In-Pavement Lighting, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PDF) - Report IPRF-01-G-002-03-1
- Stabilized and Drainable Base for Rigid Pavement (PDF) - Report IPRF-01-G-002-02-1
- Advisory Circulars
- AC 150/5020-1 - Noise Control and Compatibility Planning for Airports
- AC 150/5050-8 - Environmental Management Systems for Airport Sponsors
- AC 150/5200-33 - Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports
- AC 150/5200-34 - Construction or Establishment of Landfills Near Public Airports
- AC 150/5230-4 - Aircraft Fuel Storage, Handling and Dispensing on Airports
- Air Quality
- Air Quality Handbook - Air Quality Procedures for Civilian Airports
- Environmental Desk Reference, Chapter 1 - Air Quality (PDF)
- General Guidance
- Environmental Desk Reference for Airport Actions
- Environmental Policy and Guidance Resources - Air Quality, Farmlands, Wetlands, etc …
- Historical, Architectural, Archeological and Cultural Resources
- 36 CFR Part 800 - Protection of Historic Properties (XML)
- The Section 106 Essentials Course - A 2-day ACHP Course
- State Historical Preservation Offices - Central Region
- Land Transactions
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Categorical Exclusions (CATEX)
- Documented CATEX Form (MS Word) - FAA SOP No. 5
- FAA Order 1050.1E - Policies and Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts - For compliance with NEPA
- FAA Order 5050.4 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Projects - Airports Environmental Handbook
- Records of Decisions - National Listing
- Categorical Exclusions (CATEX)
- Noise and Compatible Land Use
- Voluntary Airport Low Emission Program (VALE)
- Airports Related Forms - List of Suggested forms for Central Region Sponsors
- FAA Forms Library - National repository of FAA forms
- Financial Forms
- SF-270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement (PDF)
Note: Use the "Save link as" option to save the file to your computer and then open it from there with your PDF reader tool rather than within the web browser. - SF-271, Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement (PDF)
Note: Use the "Save link as" option to save the file to your computer and then open it from there with your PDF reader tool rather than within the web browser. - SF-425 - Federal Financial Report (Fillable) (PDF)
- Guidance for Completing the Federal Financial Report (PDF) - Supplemental Guidance
- SF-270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement (PDF)
- Grant Forms
- SF-424, Cover Sheet (PDF)
Note: Use the "Save link as" option to save the file to your computer and then open it from there with your PDF reader tool rather than within the web browser. - Development Grant Application (5100-100 Series)
- Planning Grant Application (5100-101 Series)
- SF-424, Cover Sheet (PDF)
News and Information
- FAA Safety Briefing - Publication of FAA Flight Standards Service
- Press Releases
- Notam Retrieval Search - Current NOTAM information as published by FAA Aeronautical Information Management Office
- NOTAM Contractions - JO 7340.2J
Part 139: Airport Certification
- CertAlerts - Part 139 bulletins
Planning and Programming
- Advisory Circulars
- AC 150/5060-5 - Airport Capacity and Delay
- AC 150/5070-6 - Airport Master Plans
- AC 150/5070-7 - The Airport System Planning Process
- AC 150/5300-13 - Airport Design
- AC 150/5360-13 - Planning and Design Guidelines for Airport Terminal Facilities
- Airport Data and Information Portal (ADIP)
- Aviation Forecasts
- Benefit Cost Analysis
- Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
- FAA Aiport Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance (PDF) - 12/15/1999
- Addendum to Aiport Benefit-Cost Analysis Guidance (PDF) - 6/14/2010
- Airway Planning Standard Number One - Order 7031.2C
- Data and Tools
- 5 Year AIP CIP Brochure (PDF) - Central Region Planning Pamphlet
- Aircraft Characteristics Database
- Airport Categories - Airport Categories as defined by U.S.C. § 47102
- The Operations Network (OPSNET) - Official NAS air traffic operations data available for public release
- Passenger and All Cargo Data - Enplanement and cargo data extracted from the Air Carrier Activity Information System
- Forms and Applications
- ALP Design Checklist (MS Word) - SOP No. 2
- CIP Data Sheet (PDF) - Recommended format to request a capital improvement project under the Airport Improvement Program
- 5 Year CIP and Long Term CIP: MS Word, PDF - Suggested format for short-term and long-term capital improvement plan for an airport
- Reports
- Capacity Needs in the National Airspace System (PDF, 1.97 MB) - June 2004
- General Aviation Airports Asset Study - May 2012 and March 2014
- National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)
- Accident Database & Synopses - NTSB Accident Investigations
- Aeronautical Information Manual - Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures
- Airport Diagrams
- Digital - Chart Supplement (d-CS)
- National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)
- Terminal Procedures
- Code of Federal Regulations - GPO FDsys
- Title 14 CFR, Aeronautics and Space - Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
- Title 49 CFR, Transportation
- Federal Register - GPO FDsys
- OMB Circulars - Office of Management and Budget
- United States Code - Codification of US Law (GPO FDsys)
- Submit a Wildlife Strike Report
- Wildlife Hazard Mission Statement (PDF) - Multi-Agency Memorandum of Agreement
- Wildlife Strike Database
Last updated: Wednesday, February 7, 2024