Surplus Property and Military Base Conversions for Airport Purposes

The federal government can transfer surplus real and personal property to eligible airport sponsors for airport purposes. This includes military bases that are closed under the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC).

The property is generally transferred at no cost if it is used for airport purposes. This may include nonaeronautical-use property that generates revenue for airport operations, maintenance, and development.

Disposal Agencies

The FAA works with the following federal disposal agencies:

Requirements and Application Procedures


  1. Current and potential airport sponsors interested in surplus real and related personal property for airport use should contact the appropriate region or field offices of the appropriate disposal agency.
  2. Once property is located, sponsors should contact the appropriate FAA Airports District or Regional Offices. The FAA will help with planning for aviation reuse and determining if the property is suitable for transfer as airport property.
  3. Once property is transferred, the FAA ensures compliance with conveyance terms through the Airport Compliance Program.

Program Guidance

For additional information on the requirements and procedures, see:

Last updated: Tuesday, April 11, 2023