Airport Environmental Documents, Findings, and Decisions

Proposed actions and decisions by FAA officials are subject to review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Once the FAA determines that NEPA applies, it needs to determine the appropriate level of review. The types of review differ based on FAA's determination of the potential for significant impacts. This page includes Draft and Final Environmental Documents (i.e., Environmental Assessments [EAs] and Environmental Impact Statements [EISs]), Findings (i.e., Findings of No Significant Impact [FONSIs]), and Decisions (i.e., Records of Decision [RODs]). Each of these documents serves a unique purpose.

Types of Environmental Documents on this Page

  • An EA describes a Proposed Action's anticipated environmental impacts and helps the FAA determine whether the Proposed Action has the potential to significantly affect the human environment.
  • A FONSI documents the FAA determination that a Proposed Action does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. If none of the potential impacts assessed in the EA are determined to be significant, the FONSI explains why an action, not otherwise categorically excluded, would not have a significant impact on the human environment. A FONSI does not represent the FAA's decision to implement the proposed action.
  • An EIS is prepared when one or more environmental impacts of a Proposed Action would be significant and mitigation measures would not reduce the impact(s) below significant levels. It provides the FAA and the public with a full and fair discussion of the significant environmental impacts of the Proposed Action and reasonable alternatives.
  • A ROD is issued prior to an action to explain why we approved or did not approve a Proposed Action. The ROD explains what the airport sponsor proposes to do and why, identifies actions the FAA and other Federal agencies must take, explains the alternatives analyzed and which one is environmentally preferred, and identifies required mitigation measures.

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Last updated: Wednesday, November 13, 2024