UAS Detection, Mitigation, and Response on Airports
As the number of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operating in our National Airspace System (NAS) continues to rise, so does airport operators’ desire to deploy new technologies for the detection or mitigation of unauthorized use of UAS in the NAS.
Since 2016, the Office of Airports Safety & Standards (AAS) has issued several guidance and policy documents regarding UAS detection and mitigation technology at airports. Subject areas covered in these documents include legal considerations, potential electromagnetic interference (EMI) to communication and navigation equipment, and on-airport airspace case processing, among others. With the increased availability and rapid advancement of this technology, it is important for the FAA to assess airport impacts before airport operators deploy this equipment.
These systems generally fit into two categories:
- UAS Detection Systems
These technologies range from Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) systems to made-to-order systems developed by system integrators. Primary detection sources are those sensors that have a greater level of system autonomy, providing alerts generated upon detection and prompting further investigation by the detection system operator. Technologies, such as radar and radio frequency (RF), electro-optic (EO), and acoustic sensors, are sometimes stand-alone or combined to perform primary and secondary validations. Detection systems do not have the ability to determine intent or the level of threat posed by UAS. - UAS Mitigation Systems (Counter [C]-UAS)
UAS mitigation or countermeasures include the capability to disrupt, disable, destroy, take control of, and/or provide alternate flight instructions to a UAS. Some UAS detection systems may have countermeasure capabilities built-in, which can be disabled, while others may offer them as an optional modular capability. FAA currently does not support the usage of C-UAS systems by any entity other than the federal departments (Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, and Energy) that have explicit statutory authority to use this technology.
Coordination prior to the installation and/or deployment of UAS detection and mitigation systems enables the FAA to provide technical assistance regarding notification made in accordance with 14 CFR part 77, protecting sensitive security information, and regulatory and grant assurance compliance. Further, the operational use of UAS detection and mitigation systems may provoke response actions that disrupt air traffic operations at your airport or otherwise introduce undesirable safety and efficiency impacts. These potential second-order effects can be effectively addressed through risk-based procedures coordinated with the FAA.
Currently, the FAA requires all airports certified under part 139 to have an approved UAS Response Plan for the interruption of airport operations and/or the safe operations of manned air traffic be included in their Airport Certification Manual (ACM). This plan provides specific guidance to the airport operator on steps to follow in the event of unauthorized UAS activity, including the safe return to normal operations after the event. This plan is coordinated with Air Traffic Control (ATC), Airport Operations, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and law enforcement.
Office | Contact |
FAA Airports Emerging Entrants Division |
General Questions Dez Silagyi Jason Knipp, Program Manager |
Airports Regional Contacts | Alaskan Central (IA, KS, MO, NE) Eastern (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WV) Great Lakes (IL, IN, MI, MN, ND, OH, SD, WI) New England (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) Northwest Mountain (CO, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA, WY) Southern (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, PR, SC, TN, VI) Southwest (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) Western-Pacific (AZ, CA, HI, NV, GU, AS, MH) |
Guidance & Policy
- Letter to Airport Sponsors about Using UAS to Disperse Wildlife (added 10/13/2023)
- Updated Information on UAS-Detection and Countermeasures Technology (Counter-UAS) at Airports, May 2019 (PDF)
- Best Practices for the Submission of On-Airport UAS Detection and Mitigation System(s) into OE/AAA
- Part 139 CertAlert 21-04, Updated Guidance for Airport Emergency Plans (AEP) under 14 CFR Part 139.325(b)(7)
Additional Information
- DOJ Interagency Advisory on UAS Detection and Mitigation Systems
- Airport Safety and Airspace Hazard Mitigation and Enforcement (Section 383)
- Hot Topics in UAS
A1. Please contact your local Airports District Office (ADO) or Airports Regional Office (RO) to discuss your proposed project before submitting aeronautical studies for a UAS detection system to the OE/AAA website.
A2. As one of only four federal departments with current statutory authority to operate UAS mitigation systems, DOD may install UAS mitigation systems to support their facilities. As a tenant, the military unit should coordinate with the airport and with the local Airports District Office (ADO) or Airports Regional Office (RO) before submitting aeronautical studies to the OE/AAA website.
A3. The local Airports District Office (ADO) or Airports Regional Office (RO) will provide assistance with the special handling and submission of these aeronautical studies. Remember, only four federal departments have statutory authority to operate UAS mitigation systems. See Best Practices for the Submission of On-Airport UAS Detection and Mitigation System(s) into OE/AAA.